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首页  »  电影  »  记录片  »  Johan Cruijff-En Un Momento Dado  2014/7/15 1:33:58  1234影视下载站小编

今天1234影视下载站小编要给大家分享的是一部来自荷兰的记录片《Johan Cruijff-En Un Momento Dado》,目前更新状态是预告片。这部记录片是由导演执导,由等明星领衔主演,

Johan Cruijff-En Un Momento Dado迅雷下载

◎片  名:Johan Cruijff-En Un Momento Dado
◎年  份:2004年
◎类  型:记录片
◎国  家:荷兰
◎导  演:未知
◎主  演:
◎上映日期:2014/7/15 1:33:58
◎片  长:120分钟
◎IMDb评分:7.5/10 from 36,246 users
◎豆瓣评分:8.4/10 (60682人评价)

Johan Cruijff-En Un Momento Dado相关下载链接(如失效请联系我们):

《Johan Cruijff-En Un Momento Dado》HD1280高清下载——迅雷快传
《Johan Cruijff-En Un Momento Dado》HD1280高清下载——电驴链接

Johan Cruijff-En Un Momento Dado.预告片中字1280高清.rmvb
记录片.Johan Cruijff-En Un Momento Dado.720p.BD中字.rmvb

百度网盘:  密码:dl60682s

《Johan Cruijff-En Un Momento Dado》720P高清种子下载——磁力链接

Johan Cruijff-En Un Momento Dado剧情介绍

This film should not be treated as a mere football (or soccer in US terms)related documentary. There is much more than just a football star. The film is designed around Barcelona'a Catalan identity, and how Cruffy has uplifted the entire Catalan community's morale and self esteem during his years as a player and a coach. The film starts with Catalan related motives, and continues with Cruffy's football and personal qualities. I especially liked the fans' imitation of Cruffy's well-known figures and moves. I guess this is one of the best documentaries for a sports person. When I was young, I didn't like Cruyff, but after watching the film, my opinions has changed drastically. I truly recommend it to all documentary and Cruffy fans.

上一篇:I used to dance 下一篇:帕索里尼

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